I found this great blog yesterday by Anna White called Knock-Off Wood. She hacks furniture from major retailers as well as a host of other places and creates plans for anyone and everyone to build them. Amazing stuff, this woman is a queen of DIY. Unfortunately she's also a great inspiration and looking through her site gave me an idea (like I need more of them). Bailey insists she wants her room to be like an "apartment". She wants to entertain there, she wants a living room area, a bedroom area a kitchen area and so on. That's a lot of "areas" for a room that started out around 9'x11'. Now with the built in bed it's even less room. However, I saw Ana's plans for a play kitchen, which looks pretty small, and wondered to myself "Hmmm, I wonder if that could be worked into B_____'s room?" I may be able to fit a tiny kitchen area with a small coffee table and two tiny chairs. Have to go measure and plan but I think it would be so cute. She could pretend she lives in NYC ;)
I wanted to show a photo of the play kitchen I saw on the Knock-Off Wood blog. Kristen Wright from thecraftingchicks.com had created the most beautiful retro looking version of Ana's kitchen plans. I emailed to get permission to post a photo and Kristen agreed! So, here it is...
How cute is that??? And it's not that big either so it may just fit in B_____'s room after all! B____ says she can't wait to try it out but she thinks (and I quote) that it might take a million years. Cheeky! Below is the link to Kristen's site...
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